Provides deep insights into complex decision-making

Product Features


multi-critera decision analysis

DecisonLab allows for the ranking and visualization of multiple criteria at the different stages of a decision, be it feature prioritization, risk analysis, portfolio optimization, or a cost-benefit analysis of options.


multiple stakeholders can rank

DecisionLab is designed to involve multiple individuals or organizations at different stages of a decision. This can be exemplified by allowing both market representatives and actual customers prioritizing upcoming features while enabling the engineering department to have a say in the development complexities and subsequent investments into key enabling technologies, all in the same tool.

Decision Modelling

ranking and prioritization

DecisionLab have a state-of-the-art ability to model complex decisions including multiple criteria, weights, key features and stakeholders (individuals, departments and organizations) simultaneously.

This is achieved through DecisionLab's ability to create a visual representation of complex decision structures and conditions.

What-If Analysis

what-if analysis

DecisionLab has the functionality to look at a decision through multiple lenses to provide insights on a specific decision. To what level does do the different entities agree? Where is the most significant agreement? What is the commonality between the different opinions? What parameter is the key driver?

In addition to these general visualization tools, DecisionLab allows the user to tweak values in order to visualize the impact of specific scenarios.